I'm Ben Lovejoy. I love technology, and love to write about it.

I'm a freelance writer who spends half my time as EU Editor of 9to5mac.com and 9to5google.com.

My other published credits include the Guardian, the Telegraph, the Sunday Times, the Express and many regional newspapers. I’ve written for over 30 different computer & technology magazines, as well as numerous business and in-flight magazines and a wide range of websites. You can see examples of my work in the portfolio link.

The topics I write about can be as mainstream as a guide to using an iPad as a business tool, as specialist as an industry white paper or as technical as a user guide for an online trading system. I understand technicalities, but can explain things in a way that means my readers don’t have to. I adapt my style to suit the job, whether the audience are mass-market consumers or IT professionals.